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Jump N Paint
Bay Gelding
Painted Dash x Shell Win (I Want It Now x Shell Drive by My Designated Driver)
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This colt may be the fastest of the 2018 foal crop! He has that proven Painted Dash - Chicks Beduino cross with
a female family of runners. I would hate to bet against her being a AAAT Stakes winner! His mama, Shell Win,
had a freak accident as a yearling, breaking a hind leg. We were able to save her but, obviously, were
disappointed that we didn't get to race her.
2nd Dam: Shell Drive si 103 $49,191 stakes placed winner 5 times (officially) and over $200,000 and 20 races
won on the match track. She could LEAVE the gates!!! Shell Drive is also a AAA producer of La Kora si 92 and
Shell Streak si 80. Shell Drive is a half sister to Jumpy Driver who is also a full sister to another winner, Lets
Drive si 91. Several full sisters to Shell Drive are proving to be good producers of race and arena horses as well.
3rd Dam: Lets All Jumpfor Joy si 88 is also the dam of Bar Jump Joy who is the dam of Jump N Streak si 99
Stakes Winner $58,599 and had the opportunity to earn a lot more money in the Iowa Bred program but tough
racing luck wouldn't have it. She retired 100% sound. Lets All Jumpfor Joy SI 89 AAAT Stakes Producer is the
dam of Shell Drive si 103 (by My Designated Driver) Superior Race Horse and Stakes Placed Winner of 5
races, 5 seconds, 3 thirds $49,191 and then went on to win many match races; Lets Drive si 91 winner of 2
races; Barrera Drive si 86 winner of 3 races; Mister Sidray Joy si 91 winner of 2 races and a good barrel horse;
Joy Down si 89 winner of 3 races; Yourdesignateddriver si 85 winner; etc.
4th Dam Carella Boone SI 81 (by Johnny Boone) 3 wins from 7 starts, 100% ROM and Winners Producer of
ECS Hope si 83 winner; Joyful Boone si 81 winner; Lets All Jumpfor Joy si 89 winner of 3 races; etc.
5th Dam Money Pack SI 84 (by Pacific Bailey) is a full sister to 6 ROMs. Money Pack is the dam of 5 starters, 4
ROMs, 4 winners including Fanny Mae Bar SI 87 SP; Jet Rail Carelli SI 93 winner 4 times, one third from 6
starts; Illini Native si 81 winner o 3 races, 2 seconds, 1 third from 7 starts; Native Money Show/Performance
ROM; etc.
6th Dam Bar Marie Tex AA (by Bar Money) Multiple AAA Stakes Producer of Mr Pardee Bar AAA Stakes Winner
twice Stakes Placed three times, with 10 wins, 2 seconds, 3 thirds in 17 starts; Pin On You SI 99 winner of 5
races, 11 seconds, 7 thirds; Bar Bailey Kansas si 78 but won 2, 1 second, 1 third from 6 starts; Bar Baby Bailey
SI 88; Pacs Tex Bar SI 89; Bacarrar Stks. Pl.; Lucky Marble Stks. Pl.; Cora Marie AAAT Producer of Pacific
Teddy SI 102 (by Pacific Bailey);Ta Tag Marie AAA Producer; etc.
Need I say more!?!